Get Involved

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Have a look in more detail at the ways go get involved below, if you would like to sign up for more than one, fill in the short application form at the bottom of the page

Get involved

Get involved in Magenta Living's tenant and residents programme that offers flexible ways of getting involved in helping shape our services and neighbourhoods.

Our flexible membership allows you to get involved in as much or little as you like. We have regular sessions covering a range of topics to get your feedback and comments, which are used to improve and influence our

Have a look in more detail at the ways go get involved below, if you would like to sign up for more than one, fill in the short application form at the bottom of the page

Get involved

Get involved in Magenta Living's tenant and residents programme that offers flexible ways of getting involved in helping shape our services and neighbourhoods.

Our flexible membership allows you to get involved in as much or little as you like. We have regular sessions covering a range of topics to get your feedback and comments, which are used to improve and influence our policies and procedures.

Whatever your circumstance, or interests, there is something for you!

Block Champions

Apply to be Block Champion here

  • The eyes and ears of the block they live in
  • Can report to us directly on issues with cleaning, communal repairs, ground maintenance, graffiti, fly-tipping and any other problems that may be happening within the block.
  • Not about individual issues but looking at the block as a whole.

The People Network

These are quarterly meetings held either in our Partnership Building or other local community centres. This network offers you an opportunity to hear news and information about Magenta Living's services whilst networking.

Scrutiny Panels

Our Scrutiny Panel is a 'task and finish' group. Magenta Connect members are invited to join a group session to feedback and comment on processes and service. Each group has a different topic and we choose members who are impartial or may have recently used the service.

Look out for upcoming scrutiny projects on the Magenta Connect homepage!

Recent scrutiny examples include:

  • Repairs and Maintenance - Policy and Procedure
  • Motorised Scooter - Policy and Procedure
  • Vulnerable persons - Policy and Procedure
  • Safeguarding – Policy and Procedure
  • Volunteering
  • Neighbourhood Champions

Neighbourhood Champions

Are you passionate about the street, community or neighbourhood you live in?

Would you like to make a difference?

Click the following link below to watch the video and sign up:

Apply here to be a Neighbourhood Champion


Our vast team of valued volunteers play a huge role in helping Magenta Living to deliver its vision of “Vibrant, homes, lives and neighbourhoods”, quite simply we wouldn’t be able to deliver many of the wonderful community projects across our neighbourhoods without them.

Volunteering is a great way to keep yourself active, meet new people and develop skills along the way. Helping other is a great way to fill your time and improve your wellbeing.

There is a huge range of volunteering opportunities available through Magenta Living and we are on hand to support you to find the right role for you.

If you are interested in finding out more or just want an initial chat about what opportunities are available, please complete this short form.

Magenta Communities Committee (MCC)

Magenta Communities Committee ensures customers views are part of the decision making process at the highest level of the organisation and is a key to how we work in partnership with customers.

Magenta Communities Committee (MCC) is a customer-led Committee of our Board that ensures customers views are central to what the organisation does.

It aims to:

  • Ensure the customer voice is factored into all strategic decision making
  • Involve customers in shaping our services regarding things like repairs, complaints, dealing with anti-social behaviour and managing our homes and neighbourhoods
  • Be a focal point for all of our community investment
  • Maximise the external funding we bring into our neighbourhoods
  • Comprise a majority of customers and be customer-led

MCC focuses on delivering the projects, events and partnerships that enable Magenta Living to continue creating positive change within the neighbourhoods where we operate.

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