Magenta in Bloom Garden Competition 2024

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Magenta In Bloom text with flowers

Magenta in Bloom Garden Competition is Back!!

It’s garden competition time Magenta Living is calling all green-fingered tenants.

Whether you have a garden with flower beds, a collection of hanging baskets and pots or you help to look after a communal garden, this competition is for you!

The categories are:

🌸 Overall Garden
🌸 Communal Garden
🌸 Front Garden
🌸 Community Garden
🌸 Back Garden (New!)
🌸 Wildlife Garden (New!) (Please see examples under Wildlife Garden Photos)
🌸 Tray Gardens (New!) - collect items in your garden and make a miniature tray garden (Please see examples under Tray Garden Photos)


5x £150 B&Q Vouchers for the winners
10x £50 B&Q vouchers for the runners up
Tray Gardens - 3x Chester Zoo family ticket
Winning gardens will be announced at an awards event in September Good luck!


  1. The competition is open to all residents on Magenta Living estates.

  1. The competition closes on: Friday 16th August.

  1. The judging panel will consist of Magenta Living staff, board members and involved residents. All photos will be awarded a score (out of 10) by each individual. The gardens with the highest score will win.

  1. The judges will not be looking for extensive knowledge of plants, but looking at the overall effect and how it enhances the neighbourhood where you live.

  1. A list of the finalists will be displayed in our Partnership Building.

  1. All finalists will be contacted by post or e-mail to invite them to our awards ceremony at the end of September

  2. You can enter your own garden or that of a neighbour. If you are entering your neighbours garden you must confirm that you have their permission to submit a photograph of their garden.

  3. You are welcome to enter more than one category, but please ensure you fill in a separate form each entry, for example: fill in the form for a Front Garden entry, and then fill in the form for a Back Garden entry.

  4. By submitting a photograph, you agree that Magenta Living can use that image for the purposes of the garden competition, promotion and celebrating the winners.

*If you know someone who cant get online and have a garden they would like to enter, please ask them to call 0808 100 9596 and ask for the Community Regeneration Team and they will arrange for someone to come and help them.

Enter your photograph below

Magenta in Bloom Garden Competition is Back!!

It’s garden competition time Magenta Living is calling all green-fingered tenants.

Whether you have a garden with flower beds, a collection of hanging baskets and pots or you help to look after a communal garden, this competition is for you!

The categories are:

🌸 Overall Garden
🌸 Communal Garden
🌸 Front Garden
🌸 Community Garden
🌸 Back Garden (New!)
🌸 Wildlife Garden (New!) (Please see examples under Wildlife Garden Photos)
🌸 Tray Gardens (New!) - collect items in your garden and make a miniature tray garden (Please see examples under Tray Garden Photos)


5x £150 B&Q Vouchers for the winners
10x £50 B&Q vouchers for the runners up
Tray Gardens - 3x Chester Zoo family ticket
Winning gardens will be announced at an awards event in September Good luck!


  1. The competition is open to all residents on Magenta Living estates.

  1. The competition closes on: Friday 16th August.

  1. The judging panel will consist of Magenta Living staff, board members and involved residents. All photos will be awarded a score (out of 10) by each individual. The gardens with the highest score will win.

  1. The judges will not be looking for extensive knowledge of plants, but looking at the overall effect and how it enhances the neighbourhood where you live.

  1. A list of the finalists will be displayed in our Partnership Building.

  1. All finalists will be contacted by post or e-mail to invite them to our awards ceremony at the end of September

  2. You can enter your own garden or that of a neighbour. If you are entering your neighbours garden you must confirm that you have their permission to submit a photograph of their garden.

  3. You are welcome to enter more than one category, but please ensure you fill in a separate form each entry, for example: fill in the form for a Front Garden entry, and then fill in the form for a Back Garden entry.

  4. By submitting a photograph, you agree that Magenta Living can use that image for the purposes of the garden competition, promotion and celebrating the winners.

*If you know someone who cant get online and have a garden they would like to enter, please ask them to call 0808 100 9596 and ask for the Community Regeneration Team and they will arrange for someone to come and help them.

Enter your photograph below

  • You are welcome to enter more than one category, but please put them through as separate submissions.

    For example, if you want to enter the Front Garden category and the Back Garden category - you will need to fill in the form twice.

    click here to enter
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